Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tupac Shakur Is My Hero

Tupac Shakur was the best rapper in all of history no matter what people say or think. I believe that he was the Most influencial rapper of all time. Tupac rapped about life and how hard life can be. He supported all the black and latinos of america. He stated on the day he died that revenge is the sweetes Joy next to gettin pussy. true but yet what does this mean. Some suspected that Biggie put the hit on Pac and Pac faked his death and killed Biggie who knows we sure dont sources sayy tho he is sittin on a hawiaan beach. I miss you Tupac Amura Shakur ( 1971-???? ) God Bless You


  1. He's a big influence on me, too, Noel - he always gives me a splitting headache. :)
